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“The joy of discovery is certainly the liveliest that the mind of man can ever feel”

~ Claude Bernard ~

My research interests are in the following: Cybersecurity (Wireless or Wired Security); Internet of Things (IoT); Applications of Artificial Intelligence - Text mining, Image Processing and Security; Wireless Mobility Management; Secure Electronic Voting; and E-learning/M-learning. 


  1. Neera, J, Chen, X., Aslam N. & Issac, B. (2024). A Trustworthy and Untraceable Centralised Payment Protocol for Mobile Payment, ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security, ISSN: 2471-2566, pp.1-29.
  2. Yumlembam, R., Issac, B., Jacob, S. M., & Yang, L. (2024). Comprehensive Botnet Detection by Mitigating Adversarial Attacks, Navigating the Subtleties of Perturbation Distances and Fortifying Predictions with Conformal Layers, Information Fusion, Elsevier, ISSN 1872-6305.
  3. Ahmed, Z., B. Issac, B., & Das, S. (2024). Ok-NB: An Enhanced OPTICS and k-Naive Bayes Classifier for Imbalance Classification with Overlapping, IEEE Access, ISSN: 2169-3536, pp.1-19, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3391749. 
  4. Tirulo, A., Chauhan, S., & Issac, B. (2024). Ensemble LOF-based Detection of False Data Injection in Smart Grid Demand Response System, Computers and Electrical Engineering, Volume 116, 109188, ISSN 0045-7906. 
  5. Sharma, R. K., Issac, B., Xin, Q., Gadekallu, T. R., & Nath, K. (2023). Plant and Salamander Inspired Network Attack Detection and Data Recovery Model, Internet of Things (section), Sensors, 23(12), 5562, ISSN 1424-8220. 
  6. Ketsbaia, L., Issac, B., Chen, X. & Jacob, S. M. (2023). A Multi-Stage Machine Learning and Fuzzy Approach to Cyber-Hate Detection, IEEE Access, IEEE, ISSN 2169-3536, pp. 56046 - 56065.

  7. Rafiq, H., Aslam, N., Aleem, M., Issac, B., and Randhawa, R. H. (2022). AndroMalPack: Enhancing the ML-based Malware Classification by Detection and Removal of Repacked Apps for Android Systems, Scientific Reports, Springer Nature, pp.1-22, ISSN 2045-2322. 

  8. Yumlembam, R., Issac, B., Jacob, S. M., & Yang, L. (2022). IoT-based Android Malware Detection Using Graph Neural Network With Adversarial Defense, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE, ISSN 2327-4662, pp. 8432 - 8444.

  9. Gibson, S., Issac, B., Zhang, L. & Jacob, S. M. (2020). Detecting Spam Email with Machine Learning Optimized with Bio-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms, IEEE Access, IEEE, ISSN 2169-3536.

  10. Sharma, R., Issac, B. & K., Kalita, H. R. (2019). Intrusion Detection and Response System Inspired by the Defense Mechanism of Plants, IEEE Access, IEEE, ISSN 2169-3536, vol. 7, 52427-52439.

  11. Imam, N., Issac, B. & and Jacob, S.M., (2019). A Semi-Supervised Learning Approach for Tackling Twitter Spam Drift, International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications (IJCIA), Imperial College Press (World Scientific Europe), 18(2), ISSN 1469-0268, 17 pages.

  12. Sharma, R. K., Kalita, H. R. & Issac, B. (2018). Are Machine Learning-Based Intrusion Detection Systems Always Secure? An Insight Into Tampered Learning, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, IOS Press, ISSN 1064-1246, 35(3), pp. 3635-3651.

  13. Shah, S. A. R., Issac, B. & Jacob, S. M. (2018). Intelligent Intrusion Detection System through Combined and Optimized Machine Learning, International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications (IJCIA), Imperial College Press (World Scientific Europe), ISSN 1469-0268, 17(2), 17 pages.

  14. Shah, S. A. R., & Issac, B. (2018). Performance Comparison of Intrusion Detection Systems and Application of Machine Learning to Snort System, Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier, ISSN 0167-739X, Vol. 80, 157-170. The pdf paper link is here.

  15. Barlaskar, E., Singh, J. Y., & Issac, B. (2018). Enhanced Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Data Centers, International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, Inderscience, ISSN 1741-8488, 9(1), 1-17. 

  16. Choudhury, B., Then, P., Issac, B., Raman, V. & Haldar, M. K. (2018). A Survey on Biometrics and Cancelable Biometrics Systems, International Journal of Image and Graphics, World Scientific, ISSN 0219-4678, 18(1), 39 pages. 

  17. Richert, V., Issac, B. & Israr, N. (2017). Implementation of a Modified Wireless Sensor Network MAC Protocol for Critical Environments, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Wiley and Hindawi, ISSN 1530-8677, Vol. 2017, 23 pages.

  18. Rura, L., Issac, B. & Haldar M. K. (2017). Online Voting System based on Image Steganography and Visual Cryptography, Journal of Computing and Information Technology, University of Zagreb, Croatia, ISSN 1330-1136, 25(1), 47-61.

  19. Mathew, K., Issac, B. & Tan C. E. (2017). Evaluation of Signal Attenuation for Bluetooth, ZigBee and Sound in Foliage. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic & Computer Engineering, ISSN 2180-1843. 9(2-9), 43-48

  20. ​​Barlaskar, E., Singh, J. Y., & Issac, B. (2016). Energy-Efficient Virtual Machine Placement using Enhanced Firefly Algorithm, Multiagent and Grid Systems, IOS Press, ISSN 1574-1702, 12(3), 167-198. The pdf paper link is here.

  21. Rura, L., Issac, B. & Haldar M. K. (2016). Implementation and Evaluation of Steganography based Online Voting, International Journal of Electronic Government Research, IGI Global, ISSN 1548-3886, 12(3), 71-93.

  22. Alzaid, W. & Issac, B. (2016). Analysis of IPv6 through Implementation of Transition Technologies and Security attacks, International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking, IGI Global, ISSN 1548-0631, 12(1), 36-62.

  23. Sharma, R. K., Kalita, H. R. & Issac, B. (2016). Plant-based Biologically Inspired Intrusion Response Mechanism: An insight into the proposed model PIRIDS, Journal of Information Assurance and Security (JIAS), ISSN 1554-1010, 11(6), 340-347.

  24. Albayati, M., & Issac, B. (2015). Analysis of Intelligent Classifiers and Enhancing the Detection Accuracy for Intrusion Detection System, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems (IJCIS), Atlantis Press, Taylor and Francis, ISSN 1875-6891, 8(5), 841-853.

  25. Shahi, A. M., Issac, B. & Modapothala, J. R. (2014). Automatic Analysis of Corporate Sustainability Reports and Intelligent Scoring. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications (IJCIA), Imperial College Press, ISSN 1469-0268, 13(1), 27 pages.

  26. Shuang, S. & Issac, B. (2014).  Analysis of WiFi and WiMAX and Wireless Network Coexistence, International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications (IJCNC), ISSN 0974-9322, 6(6), 63-78.

  27. Albkerat, A. & Issac, B. (2014).  Analysis of IPv6 Transition Technologies, International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications (IJCNC),  ISSN 0974-9322, 6(5), 19-38.

  28. Issac, B., Hamid, K. & Tan, C.E. (2010). Hybrid Mobility Prediction of 802.11 Infrastructure Nodes by Location Tracking and Data Mining, Journal of Information Technology in Asia (JITA), ISSN 1823-5042, 3(1), 15-38.

  29. Modapothala, J. R., & Issac, B. (2009). Analysis of corporate environmental reports using statistical techniques and data mining. Communications of the IBIMA, ISSN 1943-7765, 10(6), 32-38.

  30. Issac, B. (2009). Secure ARP and Secure DHCP Protocols to Mitigate Security Attacks, International Journal of Network Security (IJNS), ISSN 1816-353X (print), ISSN 1816-3548 (online), 8(1), 102-113.

  31. Issac, B. (2009). Performance Evaluation of 80211 Mobility and Interference Issues, International Proceedings of  Computer Science and Information Technology (IPCSIT) Journal, ISSN: 2010-460X, IACSIT Press, Vol.2, 147-151.

  32. Issac, B., Hamid, K. & Tan, C. E (2008). Wireless Mobility Management with Prediction, Delay Reduction and Resource Management in 802.11 Networks, IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, ISSN: 1819-9224 (online version); 1819-656X (print version), 35(3), 361-376.

  33. Jacob, S. M. & Issac, B. (2008). Formative Assessment Approach – Its E-Learning Implementation and Effects, Advanced Technology for Learning, ISSN 1710-2251, ACTA Press, 5(1), 57-61.

  34. Jacob, S. M. & Issac, B. (2008). Mobile Technologies and its Impact – An Analysis in Higher Education Context, International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technology (i-JIM), International Association of Online Engineering, ISSN 1865-7923, 2(1), 10-18.

  35. Jacob, S. M. & Issac, B. (2007). Mobile Learning Culture and Effects in Higher Education, IEEE Multidisciplinary Engineering Education Magazine (MEEM), ISSN 1558-7908, EdSocSAC, IEEE Education Society, 2(2), 19-21.

  36. Mohammed, L. A. & Issac, B. (2007). Detailed DoS Attacks in Wireless Networks and Countermeasures, International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC), ISSN 1743-8225, InderScience Publishers, 2(3), 157-166.

  37. Issac, B. & Mohammed, L. A. (2007). War Driving and WLAN Security Issues -Attacks, Security Design and Remedies, Information Systems Management (ISM), Special Issue titled "Data Communications & Network Security", ISSN 1058-0530, Taylor & Francis, 24(04), 289-298.



  1. Fernandes, K. et al. (Durham University), Ignazio, C. et al. (Northumbria University), Hamid, S. et al. (Sunderland University) and Issac, B. et al. (Teesside University). Developing an Innovation Ecosystem: Policy, Skills and Operation, Project Report. North East Local Enterprise Partnership, UK, 2018. The final report: The report (pdf)



  1. Abraham, A., Ohsawa, Y., Gandhi, N., Jabbar, M.A., Haqiq, A., McLoone, S., Issac, B. as Editors (2021). Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition (SoCPaR 2020), Springer International Publishing (Springer Nature Switzerland), ISBN 978-3-030-73688-0, 1042 pages. Springer link:

  2. Issac, B. & Israr, N. as Editors (2014). Case Studies in Intelligent Computing – Achievements and Trends, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, New York, USA, ISBN 9781482207033, 593 pages. Taylor and Francis link:

  3. Issac, B. & Israr, N. as Editors (2014). Case Studies in Secure Computing – Achievements and Trends, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, New York, USA, ISBN 9781482207064, 500 pages. Taylor and Francis link:

  4. Issac, B as Author (2009). IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks – Basic Concepts, Mobility Management and Security Enhancements, VDM Verlag, Germany, ISBN 978-3-639-18608-6, 136 pages. ACM link:



  1. Issac, B., Fryer, K., & Jacob, S. M. (2024, November). Flow-based Detection of Botnets through Bio-inspired Optimisation of Machine Learning, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Global Security, Safety & Sustainability (ICGS3-24) themed 'Cybersecurity and Human Capabilities through Symbiotic Artificial Intelligence', Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications series, Springer.

  2. Taylor, C., Issac, B., Aslam, N., Rogage, K. & Kelly, G. (2024, August). Malware and botnet prevention in smart building IoT devices using blockchain-enabled federated learning, International Conference on AI and the Digital Economy (CADE 2024), Venice, Italy, 2024, pp. 146-149, doi: 10.1049/icp.2024.2544.

  3. Yumlembam, R., Issac, B., Yang, L. & Jacob, S. M. (2023, May). Android Malware Classification and Optimisation Based on BM25 Score of Android API, Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Workshop on the Security, Privacy, and Digital Forensics of Mobile Systems and Networks (MobiSec 2023): In conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, INFOCOM 2023 (INFOCOM WKSHPS), 2023, New York, USA, pp. 1-6.

  4. Rafiq, H., Aslam, N., Issac, B. & Randhawa, R. H. (2022, December). On Impact of Adversarial Evasion Attacks on ML-based Android Malware Classifier Trained on Hybrid Features, Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications (SKIMA 2022), Cambodia. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  5. Jeyamohan, N., Chen, X., Aslam, N., Issac, B. & O'Brien, E. (2022, July). A Local Differential Privacy based Hybrid Recommendation Model with BERT and Matrix Factorization, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2022), Lisbon, Portugal, pp.1-8. 

  6. Rafiq, H., Aslam, N., Issac, B., & Randhawa, R. H. (2022, May). An Investigation on Fragility of Machine Learning Classifiers in Android Malware Detection, Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Workshop on the Security, Privacy, and Digital Forensics of Mobile Systems and Networks (MobiSec 2022): In conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, INFOCOM 2022 (INFOCOM WKSHPS), 2022, pp. 1-6.

  7. Ketsbaia, L., Issac, B. & Chen, X. (2021, November). Evaluation of Cyberbullying using Optimized Multi-Stage ML Framework and NLP, Proceedings of the 7th Defence and Security Doctoral Symposium (DSDS 2021), Cranfield University in conjunction with DSTL and AWE, UK. 

  8. Ketsbaia, L., Issac, B. & Chen, X. (2020, December). Detection of Hate Tweets using Machine Learning and Deep Learning, Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom 2020), Guangzhou, China. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  9. Pye, J., Issac, B. Aslam, N. & Rafiq, H. (2020, December). Android Malware Classification Using Machine Learning and Bio-Inspired Optimisation Algorithms, Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Cyberspace Security (IWCSS 2020) under 19th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom 2020), Guangzhou, China. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  10. Stobbs, J., Issac, B. & Jacob, S. M. (2020, December). Phishing Web Page Detection using Optimised Machine Learning, Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom 2020), Guangzhou, China. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  11. Mistry, K., Issac, B., Jacob, S. M., Jasekar J. B. and Zhang, L. (2018, November). Multi-Population Differential Evolution for Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV 2018), Singapore. 

  12. Suleiman, M. F. & Issac, B., (2018, October). Performance Comparison of Intrusion Detection Machine Learning Classifiers on Benchmark and New Datasets, Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computer Theory and Applications (ICCTA 2018), Egypt. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  13. Mistry, K., Jasekar J. B., Issac, B., and Zhang, L. (2018, July). Extended LBP based Facial Expression Recognition System for Adaptive AI Agent Behaviour, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) under IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2018), Rio de Janerio, Brazil. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  14. Mathew, K., Issac, B. & Tan C. E. (2017, May). Evaluation of Signal Attenuation for Bluetooth, ZigBee and Sound in Foliage. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Technology in Asia (CITA 2017), Kuching, Malaysia.

  15. Sharma, R. K., Kalita, H. R., Das, S. & Issac, B. (2016, December). Learning is never secure: Poison learning by Intrusion Detection System based on Self-Organizing Map, Proceedings of the 5th IEEE-EDS International Conference on  Computing, Communication and Sensor Network (CCSN 2016), Kolkata, India.

  16. Choudhury, B., Then, P., Raman, V., Issac, B. & Haldar, M. K. (2016, December). Cancelable Iris Biometrics Based on Data Hiding Schemes. Proceedings of the 14th IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD 2016), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN 978-1-5090-2948-8, pp.1-6. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  17. Mathew, K., Issac, B. & Tan C. E. (2016, August). Evaluation of Antenna Performance for use in Wide Band Wireless Protocols, Proceedings of the 22nd Asia‐Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC 2016), Indonesia, pp. 54-61. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  18. Sharma, R. K., Kalita, H. R. & Issac, B. (2015, December). PIRIDS: A Model on Intrusion Response System Based on Biologically Inspired Response Mechanism in Plants, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications (IBICA 2015), Kochi, India, pp.105-116. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  19. Mathew, K., Issac, B. & Tan C. E. (2015, August). Performance Analysis of RTS/CTS Protocol over Basic Access in Wireless Networks - Study of Protocol Impact on Performance In Wireless Networks, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of Information Technology in Asia (CITA 2015), Kuching, Malaysia, pp. 1-6. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  20. Sharma, R. K., Kalita, H. & Issac, B. (2014, July). Different Firewall Techniques: A Survey. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communications and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT 2014), Hefei, China, pp. 1-6.

  21. Mathew, K., Issac, B. & Tan C. E. (2014, July).  Wireless Network Architecture using Sound for Ubiquitous Signal Transmission. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communications and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT 2014), Hefei, China, pp. 1-6. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  22. Mathew, K., Issac, B. & Tan C. E. (2014, August).  A Communication Architecture Using Low Frequency Signals. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE 2014), Kochi, India, pp.188-193. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  23. Mathew, K., Issac, B. & Tan C. E. (2013, December). Evaluation of Sound Perception to Identify Candidate Frequency for Wireless Networking. Proceedings of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 2013) – International Conference on Telecommunications and Networking (TeNe 2013), USA. Indexed in SpringerLink.

  24. Mathew, K., Issac, B. & Tan C. E. (2013, July). Ambient Noise Analysis on Sound for use in Wireless Digital Transmission. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Information Technology in Asia (CITA 2013), Kuching, Malaysia, ISBN 983-9257-66-8, pp.178-181. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  25. Rura, L., Issac, B. & Haldar M. K. (2012, December). Vulnerability Studies of E2E Voting Systems. Proceedings of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 2012) – International Conference on Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering (SCSS 2012), Springer, USA. Indexed in SpringerLink.

  26. Mathew, K. & Issac, B. (2012, December). Ubiquitous Text Transfer Using Sound - A Zero-Infrastructure Alternative for Simple Text Communication. Proceedings of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 2012) – International Conference on Telecommunications and Networking (TeNe 2012), Springer, USA. Indexed in SpringerLink.

  27. Shahi, A. M., Issac, B. and Modapothala, J. R.  (2012, December). Reliability Assessment of an Intelligent Approach to Corporate Sustainability Report Analysis. Proceedings of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 2012) – International Conference on Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering (SCSS 2012), Springer, USA. Indexed in SpringerLink.

  28. Shahi, A. M., Issac, B. & Modapothala, J. R. (2012, October). Intelligent Corporate Sustainability report scoring solution using Machine Learning approach to Text Categorization. Proceedings of the Third IEEE Conference on Sustainable Utilization and Development in Engineering and Technology 2012 (STUDENT 2012), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN 978-1-4673-1705-4, pp.227 - 232. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  29. Shahi, A. M., Issac, B. & Modapothala, J. R. (2012, May). Enhanced Intelligent Text Categorization using Concise Keyword Analysis. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Innovation, Management and Technology Research 2012 (ICIMTR 2012), Malacca, Malaysia, ISBN 978-1-4673-0653-9/978-1-4673-0654-6, pp. 574 - 579. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  30. Shahi, A. M., Issac, B. & Modapothala, J. R. (2011, December). Analysis of Supervised Text Classification Algorithms on Corporate Sustainability Reports. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology 2011 (ICCSNT 2011), Harbin, China, ISBN 978-1-4577-1584-6, pp.96-100. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  31. Mathew, K. & Issac, B. (2011, December). Intelligent Spam Classification for Mobile Text Message. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology 2011 (ICCSNT 2011), Harbin, China, ISBN 978-1-4577-1584-6, pp.101-105. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  32. Rura, L., Issac, B. & Haldar M. K. (2011, December). Online Voting Verification with Cryptography and Steganography Approaches. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology 2011 (ICCSNT 2011), Harbin, China, ISBN 978-1-4577-1584-6, pp.125-129. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  33. Rura, L., Issac, B. & Haldar M. K. (2011, December). Analysis of Image Steganography Techniques in Secure Online Voting. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology 2011 (ICCSNT 2011), Harbin, China, ISBN 978-1-4577-1584-6, pp.120-124. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  34. Rura, L., Issac, B. & Haldar M. K. (2011, September). A Secure Electronic Voting System Based on Image Steganography. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS 2011), Langkawi, Malaysia, ISBN 978-1-61284-930-0, pp.86-91. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  35. Jayaraj, M. N. S., Issac, B. & Haldar M. K. (2010, December). Analysis of Handoff Mechanisms in Mobile IP. Proceedings of Global Conference on Power Control and Optimization (PCO 2010), Kuching, Malaysia, ISBN 978-983-44483-32, pp.160-165. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  36. Modapothala, J. R., Issac, B. & E. Jayamani (2009, December). Appraising the Corporate Sustainability Reports - Text Mining and Multi-Discriminatory Analysis. Proceedings of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 2009) – International Conference on Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering (SCSS 2009), USA, Springer, pp.1-6. Indexed in SpringerLink.

  37. Issac, B. (2009, December). Study of UMTS Hand over Scenarios. Proceedings of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 2009) – International Conference on Telecommunications and Networking (TeNe 2009), USA, Springer, pp.1-6. Indexed in SpringerLink.

  38. Issac, B. & Jap, W. J. (2009, November). Implementing Spam Detection using Bayesian and Porter Stemmer Keyword Stripping Approaches. Proceedings of the IEEE International TENCON Conference (TENCON 2009), Singapore, ISBN 978-1-4244-4547-9, pp.1-5. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  39. Then H. J., Issac, B., Chung, L. T., Wongso, S., Bong, R., Lu, L., & Ling, Y. P. (2009, November). Analysis, Design and Implementation of a Web-based Payroll Application Software, IEEE International Conference on Computer Technology and Development (ICCTD 2009), Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, ISBN 978-1-4244-5255-2, pp.107-111. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  40. Modapothala, J. R. & Issac, B. (2009, October). Study of Economic, Environmental and Social Factors in Sustainability Reports using Text Mining and Bayesian Analysis, Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA 2009), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN 978-1-4244-4683-4, pp.319-324. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  41. Issac, B. (2009, October). Study of Mixed Mode Scenarios with IEEE 802.11 Networks and Bluetooth Network. Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA 2009), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN 978-1-4244-4683-4, pp.182-187. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  42. Modapothala, J. R. & Issac, B. (2009, July). Assessing Corporate Environmental and Sustainability Reports using Text Mining and Bayesian Estimate, Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Technology and Engineering (ICSTE 2009), Chennai, India, World Scientific Press, ISBN 978-9-8142-8724-1, pp.151-155.

  43. Issac, B. (2009, June). Performance Evaluation of 80211 Mobility and Interference Issues. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications (ICCEA 2009), Manila, Philippines, World Academic Press (UK), ISBN 978-1-84626-017-9, pp.158-162.

  44. Modapothala, J. R. & Issac, B. (2009, January). Analysis of Corporate Environmental Reports using Statistical Techniques and Data Mining, Proceedings of the 11th IBIMA International Business Information Management Conference – Innovation and Knowledge Management in Twin Track Economies, Cairo, Egypt, ISBN 978-0-9821489-0-7, pp.834-840.

  45. Issac, B., Jap, W. J. & Sutanto, J. H. (2009, January). Improved Bayesian Anti-Spam Filter –Implementation and Analysis on Independent Spam Corpuses. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology (ICCET 2009), Singapore, ISBN 1-4244-3334-7, pp.326-330.

  46. Issac, B. (2009, January). Study of 802.11 Network Performance and Wireless Multicasting. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology (ICCET 2009), Singapore, ISBN 1-4244-3334-7, pp.414-418.

  47. Modapothala, J. R. & Issac, B. (2009, January). Evaluation of Corporate Environmental Reports using Data Mining Approach. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology (ICCET 2009), Singapore, ISBN 1-4244-3334-7, pp.543-547. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  48. Issac, B. (2008, December). Study of Wireless Network Roaming and Channel Interference. Abstract Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing, Communications and Networking (ICCCN 2008), India, pp.71.

  49. Issac, B. & Jacob, S. M. (2008, December). Effects of Online MCQ Tests on Student Learning. Proceedings of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 2008) – International Conference on Engineering Education, Instructional Technology, Assessment, and E-learning (EIAE 2008), USA, Springer, pp.1-6. Indexed in SpringerLink.

  50. Issac, B. (2008, December). First Level Text Prediction using Data Mining and Letter Matching in IEEE 802.11 Mobile Devices. Proceedings of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 2008) – International Conference on Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering (SCSS 2008), USA, Springer, pp.1-6. Indexed in SpringerLink.

  51. Jacob, S. M. & Issac, B. (2008, March). Mobile Devices and its Mobile Learning Usage Analysis. Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists – IAENG International Conference on Internet Computing and Web Services (ICICWS 2008), Hong Kong, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, ISBN 978-988-98671-8-8, pp.782-787.

  52. Issac, B., Hamid, K. & Tan, C. E (2008, March). Adaptive Mobility Management in 802.11 Infrastructure Networks. Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists – IAENG International Conference on Communication Systems and Applications (ICCSA 2008), Hong Kong, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, ISBN 978-988-17012-1-3, pp.1137-1142. (Best Student Paper Award).

  53. Lim, B., Jacob, S. M., Issac, B. & Lim, E. (2007, December). Efficient Transport and Economic Development – A Transport Survey Analysis. Proceedings of the International Economic Conference on Trade and Industry (IECTI 2007), Penang, Malaysia, ISBN 978-983-43720-0-2, pp.1-15.

  54. Ghavidel, A. Z. & Issac, B. (2007, December). Secure Transport Protocols for DDoS Attack Resistant Communication. Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD 2007), Permata Bangi, Malaysia, ISBN 1-4244-1470-9, pp. 1-5. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  55. Kamal, S. & Issac, B. (2007, December). Analysis of Network Communication Attacks. Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD 2007), Permata Bangi, Malaysia, ISBN 1-4244-1470-9, pp. 1-6. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  56. Issac, B., Hamid, K. & Tan, C.E. (2007, July). A Novel Mobility Prediction in 802.11 Infrastructure Networks by Location Tracking and Data Mining. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Information Technology in Asia (CITA 2007), Kuching, Malaysia, ISBN 983-9257-66-8, pp.43-50 (Best Paper Award).

  57. Jacob, S. M. & Issac, B. (2007, April). Mobile Learning in Transforming Higher Education. Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Interactive Mobile and Computer Aided Learning (IMCL 2007), Amman, Jordan, pp.1-12, Kassel University Press.

  58. Issac, B. & Raman, V. (2006, November). Implementation of Spam Detection on Regular and Image based Emails - A Case Study using Spam Corpus. Proceedings of the MMU International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies (M2USIC 2006), Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, ISBN 983-43160-0-3, pp.431-436.

  59. Issac, B. & Raman, V. (2006, November). Spam Detection Proposal in Regular and Text-based Image Emails. Proceedings of the IEEE International TENCON Conference (TENCON 2006), Wan Chai, Hong Kong, ISBN 1-4244-0549-1, pp.1-4. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  60. Jacob, S. M., Issac, B. & Sebastian, Y. (2006, July). Impact on Student Learning from Traditional Continuous Assessment and an E-assessment proposal. Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2006), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN 981-05-5964-X, pp.1482-1496.

  61. Issac, B., Chiong, R. & Jacob, S. M. (2006, June). Analysis of Phishing Attacks and Countermeasures. Proceedings of the 6th IBIMA International Conference on Managing Information in Digital Economy (IBIMA 2006), Bonn, Germany, ISBN 0-9753393-5-4, pp.339-346.

  62. Issac, B., Hamid, K. & Tan, C.E (2006, June). QoS Survey in IPv6 and Queuing Methods. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing and Informatics (ICOCI 2006), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN 1-4244-0219-0, pp.1-6.

  63. Issac, B., Hamid, K. & Tan, C.E. (2006, June). Analysis of Single and Mixed 802.11 Networks and Mobility Architecture. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing and Informatics (ICOCI 2006), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN 1-4244-0219-0, pp.1-6.

  64. Chen, E., Teo, H.T., Issac, B. & Ting, H.N. (2006, June). Analysis of IPv6 Network Communication using Simulation. Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD 2006), Shah Alam, Malaysia, ISBN 1-4244-0527-0, pp.11-15. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  65. Issac, B., Hamid, K. & Tan, C.E. (2006, May). Pre-Authenticated and Adaptive IP Mobility for WLAN nodes. Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Distributed Frameworks for Multimedia Applications 2006 (DFMA 2006), Penang, Malaysia, ISBN 1-4244-0409-6, pp.91-98. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  66. Issac, B., Hamid, K. & Tan, C.E (2006, May). Analysis of Demand Driven Ad-hoc Routing Protocols on Performance and Mobility. Proceedings of the International Wireless and Telecommunication Symposium 2006 (IWTS 2006), Shah Alam, Malaysia, ISBN 983-42747-3-4, pp.136-141.

  67. Jacob, S. M. & Issac, B. (2006, February). Observation of Assessment Effects and Student Perceptions in Higher Education. Proceedings of the International Conference on Measurement and Evaluation in Education III (ICMEE III), Penang, Malaysia, ISBN 983-2700-35-3, pp.505-511.

  68. Jacob, S. M. & Issac, B. (2005, December). Problem Based Learning and Implementations. Proceedings of the International Conference on Education (ICE 2005), Singapore, pp.549-554.

  69. Jacob, S. M. & Issac, B. (2005, December). Formative Assessment and its E-learning Implementation. Proceedings of the International Conference on Education (ICE 2005), Singapore, pp.258-263.

  70. Issac, B., Chee, V. K. M & Mohammed, L.A. (2005, December). Security Considerations in the Design of Wireless Networks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Networking and Mobile Computing (ICWNMC '05), Chennai, India, pp.136-141.

  71. Mohammed, L.A. & Issac, B. (2005, November). DoS Attacks and Defense Mechanisms in Wireless Networks. Proceedings of the IEE Mobility Conference 2005 (Mobility 2005), Guangzhou, China, ISBN 981-05-4573-8, pp. P2-1A-4 (1)-P2-1A-4(6), Selected in the top five papers.

  72. Chan, F., Ang, H. H. & Issac, B. (2005, November). Analysis of IEEE 802.11b Wireless Security For University Wireless LAN Design. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON 2005), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 1-4244-0000-7, pp.1137-1142. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  73. Issac, B. & Mohammed, L.A. (2005, November). Secure Unicast Address Resolution Protocol (S-UARP) By Extending DHCP. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON 2005), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN 1-4244-0000-7, pp.363-368. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.

  74. Issac, B., Jacob, S. M. & Mohammed, L.A. (2005, November). The Art of War Driving and Security Threats - A Malaysian Case Study. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON 2005), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN 1-4244-0000-7, pp.124-129. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.




  1. Isravel D. P., Aurlkumar, D., Raimond, K. & Issac, B. (2020). A Novel Framework For Quality Care in Assisting Chronically Impaired Patients with Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence Technologies in "Systems Simulation and Modelling Applications for Big Data and Cloud Computing", Elsevier.

  2. Sharma, R. K., Kalita, H. R. & Issac, B. (2016). PIRIDS: A Model on Intrusion Response System Based on Biologically Inspired Response Mechanism in Plants, in "Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing" Eds. Snášel V., Abraham, A., Krömer, P., Pant, M. & Muda, A. K., Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-28031-8, pp.105-116.

  3. Mathew, K. & Issac, B. (2015). Ubiquitous Text Transfer Using Sound - A Zero-Infrastructure Alternative for Simple Text Communication in "New Trends in Networking, Computing, E-learning, Systems Sciences, and Engineering", Eds. Sobh, T. & Elleithy, K., Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE), Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-06763-6, pp 241-246.

  4. Shahi, A. M., Issac, B. & Modapothala, J. R.  (2015). Reliability Assessment of an Intelligent Approach to Corporate Sustainability Report Analysis in "Innovations and Advances in Computing, Informatics, Systems Sciences, Networking and Engineering", Eds. Sobh, T. & Elleithy, K., Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE), Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-06772-8, pp.233-240.

  5. Mathew, K., Issac, B. & Tan C. E. (2015). Evaluation of Sound Perception to Identify Candidate Frequency for Wireless Networking in "Innovations and Advances in Computing, Informatics, Systems Sciences, Networking and Engineering", Eds. Sobh, T. & Elleithy, K., Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE), Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-06772-8, pp.349-359.

  6. Rura, L., Issac, B. & Haldar M. K. (2015). Vulnerability Studies of E2E Voting Systems in "Innovations and Advances in Computing, Informatics, Systems Sciences, Networking and Engineering", Eds. Sobh, T. & Elleithy, K., Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE), Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-06772-8, pp.223-231.

  7. Mathew, K. & Issac, B. (2014). Survey on Secure Computing in "Case Studies in Intelligent Computing – Achievements and Trends”, Eds. Issac, B. & Israr, N. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, New York, USA, pp. 1-26, ISBN 9781482207064, pp.1-26.

  8. Mathew, K. & Issac, B. (2014). Survey on Intelligent Computing in "Case Studies in Intelligent Computing – Achievements and Trends”, Eds. Issac, B. & Israr, N. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, New York, USA, pp. 1-16, ISBN 9781482207033, pp.1-16.

  9. Issac, B. (2011). Spam Detection Approaches with Case Study Implementation on Spam Corpora in “Cases on ICT Utilization, Practice and Solutions: Tools for Managing Day-to-Day Issues”, Eds. Al-Mutairi M. S. & Lawan, M. A., IGI Global Publishing, USA, pp.194-212, ISBN: 978-1-60960-015-0.

  10. Modapothala, J. R., Issac, B. & E. Jayamani (2010). Appraising the Corporate Sustainability Reports - Text Mining and Multi-Discriminatory Analysis in “Innovations in Computing Sciences and Software Engineering”, Eds. Sobh, T. & Elleithy, K., Springer, Netherlands, pp.489-494, ISBN: 978-90-481-9111-6.

  11. Issac, B. (2010). Study of UMTS Hand over Scenarios in “Technological Developments in Networking, Education and Automation”, Eds. Elleithy, K., Sobh, T., Iskander, M., Kapila, V., Karim, M.A. & Mahmood, A., Springer, Netherlands, pp.561-566, ISBN: 978-90-481-9150-5.

  12. Issac, B. & Jacob, S. M. (2010). Effects of Online MCQ Tests on Student Learning in “Technological Developments in Education and Automation”, Eds. Iskander, M., Kapila, V. & Karim M. A., Springer, Netherlands, pp.403-408, ISBN 978-90-481-3655-1.

  13. Issac, B. (2010). First Level Text Prediction using Data Mining and Letter Matching in IEEE 802.11 Mobile Devices in “Innovations and Advances in Computer Sciences and Engineering”, Ed. Sobh, T., Springer, Netherlands, pp.319-324, ISBN 978-90-481-3657-5.

  14. Issac, B., Hamid, K. & Tan, C. E (2009). Predictive Mobility Management with Delay Optimizations in 802.11 Infrastructure Networks in “Trends in Communication Technologies and Engineering Science”. Ed. Ao, S , Huang, X. & Wai, P. A., Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE), Springer, Germany, pp.67-80, ISBN 978-1-4020-9492-7, ISSN 1876-1100, Vol.33.

  15. Issac, B. & Mohammed, L.A. (2008). Wireless LAN Setup and Security Loopholes in “Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications”. Ed. Lee, I., Information Science, IGI Global Publishing, USA, pp.2155-2182, Hard Cover (ISBN: 978-1-60566-056-1).

  16. Issac, B. (2008). An Overview of Wireless Network Concepts in "Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Second Edition". Ed. Khosrow-Pour, M., IGI Global Publishing, USA, pp. 1-7 (O Series), ISBN 978-160566026-4.

  17. Issac, B. & Tan, C.E. (2008). Wireless Technologies for Mobile Computing in "Ubiquitous Computing: Design, Implementation and Usability". Ed. T., Yin-Leng & Been-Lirn, D., IGI Global Publishing, USA, pp.71-86, ISBN 978-1-59904-693-8.

  18. Mohammed, L.A. & Issac, B. (2008). Vulnerability Analysis and Defenses in Wireless Networks in "Handbook of Research on Wireless Security". Ed. Zhang, Y., Zheng, J. & Ma, M., IGI Global Publishing, USA, pp.129-144, ISBN 978-1-59904-899-4.

  19. Issac, B., Mering, J., Chiong, R., Jacob, S. M. & Then, H.H.P. (2007). E-learning Implementation and its Diverse Effects in "Information Technology and Economic Development". Ed. Kurihara, Y., IGI Global Publishing, USA, pp.260-277, ISBN 978-159904579-5.

  20. Issac, B. & Mohammed, L.A. (2006). Wireless LAN Setup and Security Loopholes in “Web Services Security and E-Business”. Ed. Radhamani, G. & Rao, G. S. V. R. K, Idea Group Publishing, USA, pp.1-31, Hard Cover (ISBN: 1-59904-168-5), Soft Cover (ISBN: 1-59904-169-3).


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